The Last Engine
Back Row
Willie Kane (Erection Manager), Joe Blakie & Jim Kilpatrick (Coppersmiths), & Larry Sorrell (fitter).
Front Row (The Proposed Service Group)
Tom McKenzie, Sam Creelman, Jim Allan, Eddie McKenzie, Billy Mooney,
Odd Turvall (Kaværner Production Manager), Paul Clark, (Chargehand)
Jim Carroll (Foreman), Tommy Murphy, Neil Langdon & Alan McGilp.
Plus Iain Crawford (Foreman), usually at Govan during Engine installations.
British Shipbuilders Slow Speed Engine Building, dwindled down to George Clark’s at Wallsend and John G. Kincaid at Greenock, combining to become Clark – Kincaid at Greenock with Britparts at Port-Glasgow handling spare parts supply.
This little engine building empire was eventually sold to H.L.D. Holdings for a token payment £ 3.00 by British Shipbuilders, Then H.L.D. Holdings in turn sold out to the Kaværner Group in 1990 for considerably more! The last move was supposed to improve the chances of the now Kaværner Kincaid company’s survival. - - - - Pass!
At the beginning of 1990, when I joined H.L.D. from Scott - Lithgow as the Senior Design Engineer (to design the diesel side of power stations and thereafter commission the installation) – after two days I was working for Kaværner Kincaid.
The work in hand was as follows:- the second of two B & W engines still to be accompanied on Sea Trials, plus Four Sulzer Engines all for Kaværner Govan. The first Sulzer Engine was ready to be shop tested.
Engine Ship Hull Hull
No. Name No. Build Date
514 Pu He 267 1990
516 Helice 301 1991
517 Havis 302 1993
518 Helios 303 1992
519 Havfrost 304 1991
Approximately a year later when I took over the Engine Erecting, Testing and Delivering etc. (as the Design Function I was previously responsible for was deemed to be no longer required by the new Company.) The work in hand was now as follows:-
516 was ready for Dock Trials and Sea Trials at Govan, on Helice.
517 was being installed in Hull No.304
518 after Shop Test, was ready to be stripped for delivery to Govan Shipyard.
519 was about to be erected and Shop Tested.
William Kane